Friday 23 May 2014

Morning glory in shrimp paste

Sayur Kangkong Tumis Belacan

1 kg of Morning Glory stalks sliced diagonally at the stem
1 teaspoon of soya sauce
Sliced chilli
1 teaspoon of oyster sauce

Ground to a paste
1 clove of garlic
1 shallot
1 teaspoon of shrimp paste diluted in water

1. Place all the paste ingredients into a pestle and mortar and ground to a paste.
2. Fry in a teaspoon  of oil until fragrant
3. Fry in the sliced morning glory and chilli
4. Once the morning glory has wilted, add the oyster sauce.


Banana Tree Stem in Coconut Milk

Sayur Lemak Batang Pisang Penawar

500 grams of young banana stem sliced finely.
1 clove of garlic
2 whole onions
2 thai chillies
1 cup of coconut milk
1 cup of water

  1. Fry the chillies, garlic and onions until soft and fragrant.
  2. Add the banana stem.
  3. Add the coconut milk and and water.
  4. Simmer until the banana stem is tender.

Liking Mackerel (ikan rumahan)

5 whole mackerels
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of tamarind paste

Ground to a paste
1/2 teaspoon of dried prawns
1 teaspoon of ground chillies
1 clove of garlic
2 chopped onions
1 lemon grass
5 small chillies

1. Place all the paste ingredients sliced into small pieces into a pestle and mortar. Pound to a spoonable paste.
2. Gut and clean the mackerel. Season with salt and sugar.
3. Cover with the paste and place in the fridge for a few hours before frying.
4. Fry until golden and serve with rice.

* Liking may be placed in the freezer uncooked for several months until ready to be consumed.


Homemade Fried Noodles

Resipi Mee Goring.                                                                               Recipe Mee Goring.                                                 
Bahan- bahan  :                                                                                                 Material- materials :            
Sebungkus mee.                                                                                                A packet of noodle.
5 ulas bawang putih.                                                                                        5 cloves of garlic.
Udang / Ayam / Daging (pilihan)                                                                   Shrimp/ chicken/ beef (Option)
Cili boh.                                                                                                               Chili boh.                         
Sayur Sawi.                                                                                                         Vegetable Mustard.
Sos tomato.                                                                                                        Tomato sauce.
Kicap.                                                                                                                   Ketchup.
Sos Tiram.                                                                                                          Oyster sauce.
Taugeh.                                                                                                              Sprouts.

Cara- Cara Memasak:
1.        Mee dicuci dan ditoskan.
2.        Panas kan minyak. Tumis bawang putih yang di hiris nipis. Gaul sehingga garing.
3.        Masukkan cili boh dan kacau sehingga masak.
4.        Tambahkan bahan perisa seperti sos tomato,sos tiram dan sos kicap. (gaul rata)
5.        Masukkan bahan ayam / daging / udang ( pilihan)
6.        Masukkan bahan sayur sawi biarkan sehingga bahan masak dan lembut.
7.        Masukkan gula dan garam.
8.        Masukkan mee yang dcuci tadi, dan gaul sehingga rata.
9.        Hidangan sedia dimakan.

Routes of Cooking:
1. Mee washed and drained.
2. Warm oil state. Saute garlic that in thin slices. Mix until crisp.
3. Enter chili boh and stir until cooked.
4. Add condiments such as ketchup, oyster sauce and soy sauce. (mix)
5. Stir chicken / beef / shrimp (optional)
6. Vegetable Stir mustard let up material cooked and tender.
7. Put the sugar and salt.
8. Add the noodles earlier, and mix until just blended.
9. Meals ready to eat.


Jeruk Mangga (Pickled Mangoes)

Pickled Young Mangoes (Jeruk Mangga)

8 young mangoes peeled and sliced
2-3 tablespoon of coarse salt
1 -2 red chillies (to taste)
1 ½ cup of sugar boiled with 2 cups water

  1. Slice and peel all 8 mangoes, get rid of the stones.
  2. Sprinkle the salt on the mangoes and mix well. Leave for half an hour to drain.
  3. Place in a glass jar and leave for one to two days until the mangoes turn slightly yellow.
  4. Discard the water and rinse the salt off.
  5. Place the mangoes back in the glass jar, pour over with sugar syrup and fresh cut chillies.
  6. Keep in the fridge overnight to allow sugar to be fully absorbed into the mango slices.